Carlie Wiener, PhD
Carlie Wiener is the Senior Communications Manager of the Schmidt Ocean Institute. She has over ten years experience in marine science communications working on research, outreach, evaluation, and professional leadership. She received her Bachelor’s degree in communications and her Master’s and Doctorate degrees in environmental studies from York University in Toronto, Canada. Her research focused on integrating natural and social science methods while examining Hawaiian spinner dolphins and dolphin-swim tourism.
Dominique Rissolo, PhD
Dominique Rissolo is an assistant research scientist at the Qualcomm Institute, UC San Diego. He has coordinated several oceanographic and marine archaeological surveys and his current research focuses on paleocoastal human ecology and digital applications for underwater cultural heritage documentation and visual analytics. Through the Cultural Heritage Engineering Initiative at UC San Diego, he co-directs the Hoyo Negro and Costa Escondida projects in the Yucatan of Mexico. Dominique is also a member of the NOAA Ocean Exploration Advisory Board and was co-organizer of the 2017 National Ocean Exploration Forum.

David McKinnie
David McKinnie is senior advisor and acting lead for the OER Engagement Division for the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research. His expertise includes development of domestic and international external partnerships, moving concepts to operations, and translating science for decision makers. David is the designated federal officer for the Ocean Exploration Advisory Board.

Katy Croff Bell, PhD
Katy Croff Bell is an ocean explorer who has spent nearly 20 years using deep sea technology to discover what lies at the depths of the ocean, and is is passionate about developing new ways to better understand the ocean and and make it more accessible to everyone around the world. She is the Founding Director of the Open Ocean initiative at the MIT Media Lab and a Fellow at the National Geographic Society.