We are positive and optimistic. We want to leave the world better than we found it, and we believe that together, we can.


We are open and inclusive. Oceanography is traditionally white and male. It has historically been a field of affluent western countries. But now, we are at a critical time when we truly need everyone on this planet to contribute to the exploration of our ocean so that we can understand what lies at the depths of the sea.


We are creative and collaborative. Oceanography is inherently multidisciplinary, but we need to go further than biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and engineering. We will bring together oceanographers with artists, designers, and storytellers to create new ways for people to experience and share the ocean.


We are community-driven. We aim to create a welcoming and inclusive space that will help us build a new community of explorers. We strive for co-creation, and seek to amplify the work of people who are already pushing the boundaries of exploration in their local communities.

We are explorers. We are curious. We are prepared. We are resilient. We push boundaries. We go to places that have never been visited. We learn new things about the world. We do things that have never been done. And, we do all of this for people and for the planet.